Section: Software and Platforms

ENAS: Event Neural Assembly Simulation

Participants : Frédéric Alexandre, Nicolas Rougier, Thierry Viéville.

EnaS (that stands for “Event Neural Assembly Simulation”) is a middleware implementing our last numerical and theoretical developments, allowing to simulate and analyze so called "event neural assemblies". The recent achievements include (in collaboration with the Neuromathcomp EPI): spike trains statistical analysis via Gibbs distributions, spiking network programing for exact event's sequence restitution, discrete neural field parameters algorithmic adjustments and time-constrained event-based network simulation reconciling clock and event based simulation methods. On the mnemosyne side, this middleware includes since 2013 functional simulations of the non-standard perceptive behavior of the retina (detection of visual events) based on intensity and local spatial intensity cues, while in 2014 we are going to extend these new developments to motion cues. We have also made a strong effort in terms of interoperability on our side, since main functions are now usable from other languages (especially the python wrapper, actually in use), while we still maintain the interoperability with . This development is a complement of what has been developed on the Neruomathcomp side where colleagues have invested in a GUI for their routines.